How to Plan your Business Goals

Deciding on a business strategy can be an overwhelming and confusing task. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of researching the many different types of strategy. In my own coaching practice, I work with all my private clients in what I call 90-day sprints. This time frame is ideal to create real changes in your business, as you’ll get laser focused on your goals and business plan one project and one day at a time.

 90 Day planning works because…. 

  • There’s light at the end of the tunnel of a 90 day sprint.

  • Projects are short, immediate and actionable. People don’t have time to get hung up on too many projects in this period of time, so they have to prioritise what’s important to them.  You are achieving your master plan one step at a time.

  • There’s a sense of urgency, excitement and focus because of the timeframe.

  • Because of the focus, there’s momentum and because there’s momentum, stuff gets done. 

90 day planning is about taking small incremental steps towards your goals. You pick the quarterly milestone or plan that is the biggest priority for your business today and you make it happen. It’s all about breaking things down into manageable bite sized chunks and taking baby steps to achieve them. By defining the 4 annual milestones you'd like to achieve and prioritising the most important milestone first, you will automatically work towards these goals. 90 days is a sufficient amount of time to implement your plans and gauge the results. It also gives you time to re-evaluate those ideas and goals you need to achieve your overall year-end goal if need be. 

Experiment, tweak, and progress. 

Another  key component is writing down your goals! When you write down your goals in your own handwriting, it really sinks into your mind because you can only concentrate on that single task as you write. You concentrate on the words, and they make sense. 

You can plan both personal and professional goals in your 90-day plan. Identifying your lifestyle, personal and professional non-negotiables means you’re prioritising what’s important to you. I’ve mentioned the non-negotiables in a previous blog, and will recap briefly here: 

Lifestyle Non-Negotiables are all about improving your quality of life β€“ things like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious healthy meals, exercising regularly, being organised in your daily routine. 

Personal Non-Negotiables are all about bringing joy to your life outside of work β€“ things like hobbies that bring you joy and happiness. Joy isn’t a β€˜nice to have’, it’s essential! 

Professional Non-Negotiables are all about the rules of your business, and how you want it to work for you. Automation, streamlining, boundaries, flexibility are just some of the points you should be focusing on here. The non-negotiables exercise is a great way to identify areas where you can make small, consistent improvements to important aspects of your life daily. And it’s vital to schedule all your lifestyle and personal priorities in the diary FIRST each week before adding any business priorities. 

With 90-day planning you are in control of your business instead of your business controlling you. You become more laser focused on what the priorities are and saving your precious time and energy. It will help you identify your weak spots.  Personally, I’m all for focusing on what I’m good at and identifying the gaps in my business, and a tailored 90-day plan can help you with this too.  

If you have a busy business and need help prioritising, that’s where my 90 Day Strategy Session comes in! 

If you’re ready to remove the overwhelm and prioritise what needs to be done right now identify and overcome the gaps in your business and stop procrastinating on the tough stuff, then I can help. Drop me a mail at or book a free Clarity Call and I’ll be happy to see how I can help you get that blend of personal and professional goals to a point that aligns with you and keeps you on track. 


The 1% Rule


How to Get Out of Your Own Way