Design your dream business and master your mindset with me!

I’m Lynsey, Business and Mindset Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

You’re a female entrepreneur trying to make a difference in the world…

But you’re also overwhelmed and exhausted: struggling to grow your business AND get everything else done (including the laundry, the dinner, and the tidying up!).

You’re frustrated by your lack of time and resources and you’d love a mentor, coach or guide for support as you navigate this rocky road of business. Someone who will help you develop the strategies you need to really connect with your clients, make the money you need to have the life you want, and define your purpose and mission in business.

You see your peers getting amazing results and wonder why you’re still stuck in a rut even though you work all the hours - it’s really starting to stress you out.

The way you’re working isn’t working for you.

I get it. I’ve been there and bought the T-shirt too.


❓Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re worn out from the β€˜feast and famine’ scenario with customers - it’s hard to keep a steady pipeline going!

  • You’re wearing all the hats in your business, but you’re heading for burnout if you don’t start prioritising the important stuff today

  • You’re afraid to be visible in the business world, you don’t want to be judged or perceived as not knowing enough

  • You think more courses and programmes will make you an expert, so you keep learning more to feel that you’re β€˜good enough’

  • You’re lacking focus and clarity in your business - you’re not sure how to ask for help, or what resources you need to make your business goal a success

  • You’re worried about charging more for your services and products in case people think you’re just all about the money

  • You’re at maximum capacity and can’t take any more work or life admin on right now in case you burn out

In theory….

you know you need to get clear on your business goals, find more ideal paying clients and reach your dream income goal, all while streamlining the processes to help you get more done in less time. You want to truly connect with your ideal paying clients, but not have to spend 12 hours a day at your desk making it happen.

In reality….

you need help getting past the β€˜inner critic’ chatter telling you you’re not good enough to make this work. The mindset monkeys are playing havoc with your confidence and self belief. And you repeat the same bad patterns and behaviours in your business that keep you playing small and staying safe.

You may be feeling some of these emotions and feelings too as you navigate your way through the entrepreneurial rollercoaster. You may be stressed out, overwhelmed working all hours and getting nowhere fast.

Truth is….

You’ve lost your Business Mojo.

But together we’ll start with the inner work to help you rise above it, focusing first on creating a mindset reset. This work is crucial for you as part of your personal and business growth, and I can help because I’ve done (and continue to do!) the inner work too.

The main takeaway for me is that mindset and confidence is EVERYTHING. It will be a game changer for you - in fact, it’ll be life changing.

Let me help you create that transformation - for you and for the clients who need you the most.


You need clarity.

You need direction.

You need your business to resonate with you - copying other people’s work won’t cut it!

You’re not here to follow the same path that everyone else is on. You need to follow what’s right and true for you.

Truthbomb….there’s no magic formula to a perfect business.

But by working together to get really clear on your business vision, your mission and help you align with your work values again, we’ll also be able to focus on the practical aspects of bringing those dreams to life.

Taking action and being 100% responsible in making your business a success will help relieve the anxiety you’re facing right now and motivate you to keep going.

I’m here to keep you focused, accountable and committed to the process.

😒 Here’s why you’re still stuck where you’re at right now…

  1. You keep DOING THE SAME THINGS over and over again hoping things will improve (spoiler alert: they won’t!)

  2. You don’t have a true sense of your CAPACITY before you set your business and life goals - trying to make too many changes at the same time can lead to burnout

  3. You’re not focusing on those PRIORITY GOALS that could make massive changes in your life and business, so you’re sweating the small stuff instead

  4. Because you lack clarity on your goals, you find the IMPLEMENTATION of your plans challenging - there’s just too many daily distractions for you to stay focused

  5. Your goals are NOT YOUR OWN, you’re chasing someone else’s goals because you think that’s what you should be doing, so you’re not aligned with your own business values, beliefs and identity

office space for Business Mojo Method study

❓ Isn’t it time to have the business you’ve worked so hard for?

Isn’t it time to really focus on what you want this business to serve your lifestyle instead of the other way around?

Isn’t it time to get out of your own way and make your business the success it deserves to be - that YOU deserve to be - and reduce the stress levels before burnout takes over?

What would it mean for you to achieve your ideal business and lifestyle?

What changes could you make to your life and to others lives through your business?

⏳ It’s time to…

  • Stop getting in your own way and start reaping the rewards of your hard work

  • Get off the hamster wheel of doing doing doing and take charge of your business in a real and sustainable way

  • Move away from that β€˜Groundhog Day’ feeling and head towards a thriving, profitable and impactful business without going insane doing all the things!

  • Ditch the constant overthinking and jump into realistic strategies and the β€˜compound interest’ of incremental success

  • Abandon the useless courses and dodgy sales tactics and move towards working with someone who knows that building a business is as much about mindset as it is about business!

And the good news is you don’t have to do this alone.

You need support and guidance when building a business that resonates with you, and I’ve got your back. #bigsistersupport

The Business Mojo Method is a tailored 12-month coaching programme for female entrepreneurs like you who want to have a thriving, profitable and impactful business without losing your sanity. The Business Mojo Method will help you tailor your individual business strategy and strengthen your mindset and resilience to manage the entrepreneurial rollercoaster!

It’s a bespoke, individualised programme which means you get the most from your time with me as we navigate the inner workings of your business. The Business Mojo Method programme will leave you feeling empowered with ethical and sustainable ways to boost your business without overwhelm, self doubt or feeling like a fraud. You'll plan the business you want on your own time playing by your own rules, no one else’s.

This is how you’ll get your Business Mojo back - using my 6 Pillars Framework. Together, we’ll improve the planning, productivity, positivity, purpose, presence and profitability of your business. And while you’ll have specific needs for your business, each one of those will require an ounce or two of the 6P’s as described below!

Introducing the Business Mojo Method!

Photo of a planner promoting Lynsey Hanratty’s Business Mojo Method 12 month coaching programme

Fancy a sneaky peek inside the Business Mojo Method? πŸ‘€

Module 1: PLANNING

Together, we design a concrete plan so you can create more focus and clarity in your business goals.

Planning will help create the momentum you need to keep you going on a Wet Wednesday when all you want to do is hide under the duvet!

You’ll feel revitalised and excited to implement your new plans and will also develop new habits to ensure they get done!

In this module, you’ll learn

  1. How to create a successful plan and implement your tailored 90 day goals for maximum impact so you hit the ground running from the start!

  2. How to identify what you do best while outsourcing the rest so you can focus on the revenue generating processes in your business.

  3. The ONE process you need to do before implementing your plans so you can get the most important things done.

Photo of a laptop and plan of action promoting Lynsey Hanratty’s Business Mojo Method 12 month coaching programme


Boost your productivity in a shorter space of time to hit those big audacious goals! Create your perfect productivity process to bridge those business gaps so you can reach your goals with more ease.

You’ll have access to a variety of exercises, checklists and ready-to-use resources from my Productivity Project toolkit to keep you focused, motivated and taking daily action. You’ll feel more equipped to use that precious productive time to the best of your ability, and get the deep work done.

In this module, you’ll learn

1. How to master your time and reduce time stress so you lose the faff and learn to focus

2. The key to proper productivity (and how to protect it!) so you can get shizz done effectively without overwhelm

3. How to be productive even when you don’t feel like it so you can win the day no matter what!


Probably the most important module of all! We’ll focus on developing a resilient mindset and reframe those negative tapes running in your head so you can tell that inner chatter where to go!

Because none of the planning or productivity will work for you without a mindset reset. Together we delve deep into the mindset blocks, fears, triggers and sabotages that are currently holding you back from getting the most from your business and reaching the clients (and profits!) you want.

You’ll feel empowered, more resilient and capable of getting the meaningful work done.

In this module, you’ll learn

  1. How to turn negative thoughts into positive, consistent action so you can build those mindset muscles!

  2. The one thing your brain is always trying to prevent (and how to avoid it!) so you can keep working on those days when the mindset monkeys get too loud

  3. The most effective ways to reframe the mindset blocks, triggers, and self-sabotaging patterns that can trip you up so you can banish the negative self talk.

Photo of a bright lightbulb promoting Lynsey Hanratty’s Business Mojo Method 12 month coaching programme

Module 4: PURPOSE

In this module, we take time to discover the 5 Foundational Pillars of Business - your Why, Business Vision and Mission, your Values and your Purpose to truly connect with your business and your ideal client.

These pillars are the foundation of creating a business you’ll love and develop over time, all the while staying true to your calling and making an impact.

You’ll feel truly connected to your vision and mission and your business purpose and want to tell the world all about it!

In this module, you’ll learn

1. How the Five Foundational Pillars can help you build a business with more income and impact

2. The most effective ways to connect on a deeper level with your ideal paying clients so you can encourage them to work with you time and time again

3. The secret of making your business work for you and create raving fans who love working with you and are happy to refer more clients your way

Module 5: PRESENCE

Being in business means being present online and offline to show your ideal paying clients how you can help them. This module is all about ramping up your visibility in your unique way through your stories and message so you can resonate on a soul level with your ideal audience. And no, you don’t have to be on social media 24/7 with this module!

Communication, creativity and capturing your ideal clients imagination are key to a successful business, and the PRESENCE Module shows you how!

You’ll feel excited to share your work and be more visible to your ideal audience without fear of judgement.

In this module, you’ll learn

  1. The secret to standing out from the crowd and finding your ideal client so you can serve more people who need your products and services

  2. How to overcome social media shyness and build your audience so you can reach more potential clients you love to work with

  3. How to see inside the mind of your ideal client so you can create offers that speak to them (and make them think you’re a mind reader!) 

Photo of a seedling surrounded by money promoting Lynsey Hanratty’s Business Mojo Method 12 month coaching programme


This module helps you create a progressive profit plan to suit your needs whether you're just starting out or are a few years in business.

You can't have a business without making profit, so the numbers are priority to manage and get to grips with!

You’ll feel more empowered and comfortable with your numbers so you can plan your profit with clarity and confidence.

In this module, you’ll learn

1. How to create a profit plan for your business so you can get comfortable with your numbers and manage money conversations easier with clients (and with your accountant!)

2. Ways to sell your products or services in a more comfortable and less β€˜salesy’ way so you can make more sales and attract the perfect clients for you

3. Reframing how, why and what you sell to improve your money mindset and make the money you want to do what you want.

Photo of Lynsey Hanratty, Business and Mindset Coach with her labrador Bowie

So why learn from me?

I’m Lynsey, a business coach for female entrepreneurs, speaker, writer and podcast host of Your Mission, Your Message and Your Mindset in Business. I help stressed out female entrepreneurs create a profitable, thriving business with the freedom to design their life and legacy on their terms

I’m a qualified life coach, business coach and accredited mindset coach, and Mammy to fur babies Bowie the labrador, and cats Sid and Nancy! Coaching has been my passion for over 12 years and I’ve helped many female entrepreneurs like you overcome their business and mindset hurdles to make their business work. I empower my clients not just with business strategies, but with developing a resilient mindset to overcome self-doubt, bad business habits and sabotaging behaviours.

I’m also a productivity, goal setting and time management junkie! - I’ve been geeking out on planning strategies since my school days. My scientific background means I’m obsessed with how neuroscience and mindset affect our behaviours and habits. My wellness background gives me an insight in how to balance the practical with self care, creating the work life blend you’ll need to achieve your goals easier.

My clients love my no-nonsense, results-driven and strategic coaching perspectives, and my unshakeable commitment to supporting and empowering female entrepreneurs. I help business women like you create the impact and income you desire by reaching more of the clients you love to work with.

And I’ve been there, in the trenches just like you! I’ve had the ups and downs trying to make my business work, and wondering whether I should throw in the towel! But I persevered (because I’m REALLY stubborn and I hate office jobs!), and I want to help you do the same. 

Ready to take the next step? Here’s the Summary!

The Business Mojo Method can help you build all areas of your business so you can…

  1. Implement your plans so you can get the most important things done in your business (instead of just making the plan and then forgetting all about it!)

  2. Start reframing the mindset blocks, triggers, and self-sabotaging patterns that can trip you up so you can stop the negative tapes running.

  3. Connect with and understand your ideal paying clients so you can do what you love and make money from it!

  4. Stand out from the crowd and find your ideal client so you can serve the people who need you most

  5. Reframe how, why and what you sell to improve your money mindset and make the money you want to do the things you want.

Once we’ve worked out we’re a good fit, we’ll get started…Here’s the nitty gritty stuff!

●      As part of your introduction to the Business Mojo Method, I use the Mindset Dimensions Reportβ„’, a psychometric profiling tool to help you pinpoint the life and business areas that need improvement, allowing me to laser focus on those areas and use my expertise as a mindset coach and Mindset Dimensions Practitioner to help you create positive change. Your preliminary work includes completing your Mindset Dimensions Questionnaire to get a precise insight into your current mindset, how you perceive the world, your beliefs, values, behaviours and habits, emotions, and how you communicate. It’s a game changer!

●       We have two 60-minute calls per month to focus on the strategies you need to turbo boost your business, your brain and your big picture plans - you’ll start to see those plans come to life ASAP!

●     Our first three calls lay out your big picture plans and help identify the mindset strategies required to create better behaviours, habits and strategies to make your business and life work better - you’ll feel much more capable and clear on what you want from your business after these 3 sessions!

●     We have four 90 Day Planning sessions throughout the programme to boost your business and create a tailored strategies for you in 3 month chunks to keep you focused on the important tasks at hand

●       Our monthly calls will focus on what you need to do to

   - increase your client base so that you can make more profit and serve more clients

   - improve your services and products for your clients (or develop new ones) so that you have a solid business model in place to create consistent income

- implement new mindset and work/life balance strategies so that you stay sane and in control of your business and your life

- From your results in the Mindset Dimensions Reportβ„’, we look at the areas that need tweaking and improving, including; your environment, your behaviours and habits, your skills and capabilities, your beliefs, your values, and your identity - all of this work helps you create a mindset and resilience reset, and focuses on self confidence and self belief to make your business work the way you want it to.

●      You’ll get weekly email check-ins from me to keep you accountable for your business and life priorities, your action plan and business goals we’ve developed together #accountability

●      You’ll have access to me between each coaching call by email or phone. After each call, you get your tailored action plan to work on and lots of cheerleading from me #bigsistersupport

Photo of a child looking up at a sign on the wall that says Believe in Yourself

πŸ’œAnd don’t forget your BONUSES!

1. Bonus Mindset Strategy Session

At the end of the programme, we have a bonus call that revisits your Mindset Dimensions Reportβ„’ from the start of our work together, and we explore the improvements in your business and life projects in terms of mindset, strategy, time management and productivity.

This bonus session will show you how far you’ve come, and identify the best tools and techniques to use as you move forward in your business with more clarity and confidence, and a mindset reset!

You’ll see your progress and feel ready to take on the world with all the new business, productivity and mindset techniques you’ve learned during our time together.

Photo of Lynsey Hanratty’s bonus The Productivity Pro, a comprehensive workbook boost your business productivity

2. The Productivity Pro

This super duper bonus contains a pick and mix of planning and productivity exercises to ensure you win each day, are set up for success and achieve those lofty goals even faster!

Productivity isn’t just about getting more done, but setting up your life, environment and mindset to make your business success inevitable.

The Productivity Pro helps you do just that, and gives your business a much needed boost at the start of the programme so you can focus on the tasks that will move the needle in your business faster to achieve the results you want.

Learn ways to harness your most productive time of day, and identify the things you need to do in that time to get the meaningful work finished!

This workbook is a game changer and will help you focus on what truly matters in your life and business (and I’ll be there every step of the way with you!).


3. Changing the World

And finally, as part of your coaching programme with me, I’ll donate monthly on your behalf to a charity called TreeSisters. This amazing charity plants trees in third world countries to combat deforestation, and provides jobs and education to the local women to help them play a vital part in their communities.

This is a charity very close to my heart as it helps bolster our environment and provides women in impoverished areas a better chance of an education so they can make positive contributions to their communities.

Each month of the 12 month programme, you’ll plant 25 trees in countries like Burma, India, Kenya, Nepal and Brazil and help women find employment and education in their localities.

How much does the programme cost?

While investing in a 12 month course can be a daunting prospect for some, the reality is that it’s hard to do everything by yourself, with no sounding board or brainstorming sessions, or help when you need it. This programme may or may not be for you, and if it isn’t, that’s your decision made and I wish you all the best in future endeavours, my door is always open!

I want you to consider what difference investing in yourself and your business could make to you. How could you earn the money back while working with me and then beyond working with me? The idea of investing in a programme like this is that it enables you to start earning back your investment as we do the work together.

While I can’t guarantee any specific results I can tell you I have clients who have increased their income and their impact, and have boosted their mindset and confidence as a result of working with me. So if you’re on the fence, think of this as something that will make you money in the long run rather than cost you money in the short run.

If this programme is speaking to you, let’s get on a 30 minute, no obligation Clarity Call together and discuss your business and any questions you may have…

Payment in full


12 Monthly Payments

€475 x 12

What my clients think of the Business Mojo Method…

Photo of Lorraine Flood, client of Lynsey Hanratty business and mindset coach, holistic VA

Working with Lynsey has been an absolute joy! She is a breath of fresh air, has no problem rolling up her sleeves to get stuck in and always brings that amazing smile to every call.

I had been aware of Lynsey and the service she provides for many years, so when I started up as a solopreneur and felt I needed a bit of guidance - I looked no further! At the beginning of my journey, I knew what I wanted to do but felt very overwhelmed about where to start.

I needed clarity on what was important, my identity as an entrepreneur, my target audience and how to reach them and the biggest thing for me - confidence in myself!

Lynsey's Clarity Call was really helpful and although I was just starting out, I knew it was a great investment in myself and my business. We had 2 structured calls per month and many voice notes, messages and WhatsApp’s in between!

Lynsey helped with everything from goal setting, 90 day planning, sales scripting, website content help, ideal client and messaging work and much, much more.

And within our time together, I grew the business by over 120%, completed my Reiki Level 3 Master training and managed to keep a semi-balanced life, and take care of my toddler who is going through the terrible twos - and doing that solo!

I would never hesitate to work with Lynsey again and look forward to it very much.

Thank you Lynsey. x

Lorraine Flood, The Holistic Virtual Assistant and Holistic Practitioner

Two aspects that I needed help with before working with Lynsey related to clarity of sharing our brand message and more effectively connecting with our ideal clients.

The support from Lynsey has been excellent and has provided me with tools and frameworks so that I now have a clear vision of who to target to take the business to the next level, the messages to communicate to our ideal clients and milestones to keep me focused on the important targets.

Throughout our sessions, Lynsey adapted the steps and actions to fit in with my specific business needs.

Her approach to the coaching sessions is extremely supportive and at the same time she encouraged me to focus on the important weekly actions and tasks.

I would highly recommend Lynsey as a business coach.

Estelle Cotter, Owner of Green Opal Media

If you’ve read this far, that means you haven’t taken action yet and may be having a difficult time deciding whether this programme is right for you. Either way - YES or NO - is a decision and I want to help you make that decision today.

Here’s what I can help with, what I can’t promise, and who this programme is perfect for…

I help with...

βœ”οΈ Getting your messaging out there to the world so your ideal client can make an informed decision to work with you.

βœ”οΈ Finding the best ways to make this business work for you using your superpowers (and my secret weapon, the Mindset Dimensions Reportβ„’)

βœ”οΈ Reframing your mindset around your identity as a business woman to a more positive and brighter outlook so you can use your powers for good!

βœ”οΈ Reframing all the conditioning you’ve encountered as a business woman so you can promote yourself with confidence.

βœ”οΈ Loving kicking your bum every so often to make sure you’re doing the work as your cheerleader and big sister support!

I can’t promise...

❌ You’ll have a 7 figure business in 7 weeks like all those hooky business coaches out there - this work is long term and transformative.

❌ It’ll be all bunnies and roses on the path to a perfect business (what’s that anyway?!)

❌ To do all the work for you - I’m a coach and facilitator for change in your life, but I can’t do the inner work for you.

❌ That there won’t be some challenging times, bumps in the road, or gnashing of teeth in our year together (but I’m here for it!)

❌ That you will stick to your current business ideas once we do some exploring - you may change your mind during the programme!

This programme is perfect for you if...

βœ… You want a business that sings to your soul, that will align with your unique talents and make you feel alive and excited again

βœ… You’re ready to get the work done even on the days when you’re tired and it feels like a hard slog!

βœ… You’re open to new ideas, new concepts and a little bit of β€˜woo’ while you develop that positive mindset and take real action to make your business profitable

βœ… You’re ready to make your business work once and for all, but realise the self study courses are not cutting it - time for a more tailored approach!

βœ… You want to stop the niggling inner chatter once and for all telling you you’re not good enough to run your business

βœ… You’ve a good idea where you’re going, but need to create more focus and strategy to futureproof your business

βœ… You want more freedom and to create your ideal work /life balance to spend more time with the people and projects that matter

βœ… If you’ve ticked more than 4 of these boxes, you’re a perfect fit!

🌈 P. S. If you have any questions or need to discuss the programme further, please book a free 30 minute, no-obligation Clarity Call with me below and we’ll chat all things Business Mojo Method!

Photo of Sarah Long, client of Lynsey Hanratty business and mindset coach

More praise for the Business Mojo Method…

Before I started working with Lynsey, I felt like I didn't know where to start. I had all these big ideas and a beautiful vision of what my wellness business should look like.

Through working with Lynsey, I quickly gained an understanding that starting my business was going to be manageable and actually possible through the steps that she provided. Lynsey supported me in reaching beyond my perceived limitations and growing into my confidence as a business owner.

Looking back to before and comparing where I am now after working with Lynsey, I have gained so much knowledge and many effective strategies that address issues in all facets of my business. One of the greatest things about all that I have learned with Lynsey is that I can apply these strategies over and again to my business and looking to the future I can now confidently see a profitable and successful way forward.

I love Lynsey's friendly and realistic approach and I highly recommend working with her, as it will quickly and steadily help you to grow your business and reach beyond what you thought was possible.

Sarah Long, Sound Therapist, Inner Key Sound Healing, Dublin, Ireland and Devon, UK -

Photo of Alicia Kaill, client of Lynsey Hanratty business and mindset coach,

I've been a Personal Trainer for over 17 years, incorporating nutrition coaching, weight management, massage and sports therapy, as well as teaching yoga for the last six years. I was working sporadic hours, teaching yoga classes at the end of the day, making days long and extremely tiring. There had to be a more productive way of doing this!

As I say to my clients β€œTrain smarter, not harder!” - I knew I needed to β€œWork smarter, not harder”. I was in no doubt that I lacked self-belief, even starting to question if I was actually any good at what I do! But I was holding back, I wasn’t going for my dreams, goals, all these ideas I had fizzing away inside me - whilst watching others stride ahead with those ideas I had years ago!

I needed to change! .......Enter Lynsey Hanratty Coaching!

Working with Lynsey meant I started to understand my business better - as a business rather than an expensive hobby, and accepting myself as an β€œentrepreneur”! I started taking myself and my business more seriously - believing and accepting β€œI am the expert” - and more importantly, appreciating and knowing my own self-worth. This has allowed me to structure my prices differently and be stronger with enforcing rules regarding payment and cancellations.

I began to improve my relationship with money and understand my client base better - identifying my β€œideal” client has helped me focus on the services I offer, and only offer services that are PROFITABLE. I have 100% self-belief now, I have the confidence to go for my ideas, goals and dreams, but also now with structure and focus – asking and understanding my β€œwhy?” and not being afraid to charge my worth!

I am no longer stuck in β€œcontemplation” - I am now taking β€œaction”! During my time working with Lynsey, I hosted my first Wellbeing Workshop, where I collaborated with another colleague, and it was a great success. I am hosting my first Yoga Retreat later this year. Within two days of sending invitations to my existing client base, it had sold out! I am excited that this will be the first of many, with an annual calendar of regular events and retreats!

Thank YOU Lynsey for helping me grow!

Alicia Kaill, Personal Trainer & Yoga Teacher, Doncaster, UK -

Photo of Doirin Mulligan, client of Lynsey Hanratty business and mindset coach,

Before I started working with Lynsey I was finding it difficult to grow my business.

Since working with Lynsey I have realised that it is OK to let people know that I am good at what I do and that I can help them.

Working with Lynsey has helped me to turn my business into a thriving legal practice, which allows me to have a rewarding career while having flexibility around my working hours and work life balance.

Doirin Mulligan, Owner of Mulligan Solicitors,

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Business Mojo Method will help you reduce the overwhelm and overthinking in your business, help you create a concrete action plan while creating a mindset reset to prioritise your most important asset in your business - YOU! The reason it is 12 months long is that I was running out of time with my previous clients to help them achieve the transformation they desired. I also realised the mindset work was KEY to that transformation, so I qualified as a mindset coach in 2022 and added this element to my signature coaching programme. I’ve worked through all of the same challenges as my clients, and I want to help them find a better way to serve their clients, increase their confidence and work with their ideal paying clients. Period.

    If you are still not clear on what the Business Mojo Method can do for you and your business, let’s get on a free Clarity Call and see how the programme could help you overcome those pesky business and mindset challenges for good!

    And if it’s not for you, that’s fine too, as long as you get some clarity in your situation, I’ll be happy with that!

  • That’s why you need the help, cheerleading and Big Sister Support that is provided by the Business Mojo Method! It won’t help to sit stewing in self-doubt for the next 12 months when you can start taking action now and create the dream business you desire more than anything.

    I’ll provide a no-BS process to cut through the nonsense (and the excuses!) and provide the accountability and kick up the bum you need to help you level up in your business. If you’re so overwhelmed you can’t see straight, or you feel you’re not ready for the next part of the journey, let’s get on a Clarity Call and work out what the next best move is for you.

  • Only you can answer this one, but I want you to consider what difference investing in yourself and your business could make to you. How could you earn the money back while working with me and then beyond working with me? The idea of investing in a programme like this is that it enables you to start earning back your investment as we do the work together over 12 months. The month by month payment plan for the programme will help to reduce overwhelm instead of investing a one off payment.

    While I can’t guarantee any specific results I can tell you I have clients who have increased their income and their impact, and have boosted their mindset and confidence as a result of working with me. So if you’re on the fence, think of this as something that will make you money in the long run rather than cost you money in the short run.

    Make the decision to grow, make a commitment to you and your business, and then show up and do the work.

    That’s where the best results happen.

  • The reality is you may never feel ready for this, but do you really want to be in the same place in a year’s time, wondering how to achieve those lofty business plans, working hard but not making the progress you deserve to make? Going it alone means doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Time is your most precious resource and you don’t have any more time to waste!

    Stop burning yourself out hoping for a solution to turn up, and let’s get the work done together to help you achieve your business goals time and time again, and make the impact and income you want in your business. Let’s commit to approaching your business strategies in this session with more focus, more productivity and more drive.

    The clock is ticking…

  • If you are feeling stuck in a rut, doing the same things over and over again in your business and not getting anywhere, the Business Mojo Method is for you.

    We’ll take a year to transform your business and your mindset and create new ways to make your business work better and to develop that resilience that all entrepreneurs need for the good days and the bad.

    Taking time to work ON your business instead of being in the trenches of your business is probably what you need right now. Take the time, make the investment, and achieve that ideal business you’ve been wanting for so long.

    If you have any questions or want to discuss your business in more detail before making a decision, let’s get on a Clarity Call together - you can book it here.

  • No problem! Pop an email to or send a message via my Contact info here and I’d be happy to help.

    If you’d rather chat face to face or over the phone, we can get on a Clarity Call together to discuss any challenges you’re facing right now in your business.

If you’re still unsure that the Business Mojo Method is for you, lets get on a Clarity Call together to identify the challenges and gaps in your business, and the changes you need to make in to close those gaps.

Book your free 30 minute no obligation Clarity Call with me to discuss those challenges and let’s get crystal clear on those goals and strategies!

πŸ”₯ You'll leave the Clarity Call buzzing with new ideas and strategies, and you’ll be clearer on what you truly want your business to be.

To book your call, click on the button below to pick your day and time for our call together.

❓ If the dates/times don’t suit you, email me at and we can arrange a call at a time that fits with your schedule!