Managing your Blocks, Triggers and Sabotages

This podcast episode is all about helping you manage those mindset blocks, triggers and sabotaging behaviours and habits to create a mindset overhaul.

This work is ongoing, especially when starting or building a business - that kind of endeavour is often seen as taking a risk. Your inner critic will throw up all sorts of triggering thoughts and mindset blocks to keep you playing small and prevent progress too far outside your comfort zone.

This episode will look at ways to manage those unique behaviours and habits that can blindside you on a daily basis to prevent you making the impact you want. 

I mentioned a few things in this podcast as reference to help you overcome and manage these behaviours including:

1. Make it Stick Habit School by Sarah von Bargen: a great course to help manage sabotaging habits in life and business (

2. Tapping/EFT: Brad Yates ( and Marie Houlden ( - both are experts in Tapping and Emotional Freedom Technique (a tool that's useful to manage negative self talk).


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