How to get your Business Mojo Back!
Let’s face it – being a business owner can be very overwhelming at times! It can sometimes feel like you are swimming against the tide. It’s exhausting, both mentally and physically and it often leads to overwhelm. The last year has seen a huge shift in our working environments. A large proportion of entrepreneurs are working from home and really lack that Monday Motivation. At times like this, it is so easy to forget why you started this journey to begin with. If you feel like this more often than not, then it’s time to renew your inspiration and give yourself some fresh incentive. It’s time to reconnect with your why!
It’s time to get your Business Mojo back!!!
Let’s take a look at some mindful ways to re-invigorate your self.
1. Connect with your Why and your Message to the World.
Let’s take a step back to where it all began or more importantly why it all began?
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”
Simon Sinek
Reconnecting with your why will reconnect you with your business purpose, rebuild your resilience and refocus your goals. With a renewed vision and business purpose, you will differentiate yourself from the crowd. By getting to know yourself again, you will attract your ideal paying client. In turn, these clients will be more aligned to your products and services and you will have a mutually beneficial relationship.
2. Develop a Just Cause.
If you think of the WHY as like the foundation of a house, it is a starting point. It gives whatever we build upon it strength and permanence. Then our Just Cause is the ideal vision of the house we hope to build. We can work a lifetime to build it and still we will not be finished.
It is the Just Cause that we are working to advance, that gives our work and our lives meaning. A Just Cause inspires us to stay focused beyond the finite rewards and individual wins. Develop a Just Cause, for your hump days and slump days. It will remind you what you are striving for, encourage you to keep playing the game, and make the impact you working towards.
3. Remember it’s not your fault you’ve lost your Mojo.
Undoubtedly, most of you will have fallen foul of the historical pressures/hang-ups of imposter syndrome, comparisonitis, emotional triggers, upper limit problems and self-sabotage that comes with being a woman in business. We have come a long way but we have had to fight every step of the way that got us here and the fight continues every day.
We’ve been conditioned to believe in business, that there’s only one or two chairs at the table for us, the rest go to the boys. We compare ourselves to other men and women all the time, we think if we get ahead that it’s a fluke and that we’ll be found out, and we overthink and overanalyse every little thing because the self-doubt never really goes away. It’s no wonder we sometimes loose our Mojo, but it’s time to turn the tables and start playing by our won rules. Define your own game and build your business around rules of your own devising.
4. Stop with the self-sabotage!
Self-sabotage is sneaky, it hits you when you’re about to make a big change or launch a project that you’ve spent AGES working on. The little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough, you shouldn’t put yourself out there to be ridiculed and judged.
Don’t Listen!!
Emma Gannon’s latest insightful book ‘Sabotage’ guides us towards choosing self-worth over self-sabotage in the following ways:
(a) Normalise your successes - Telling people about your successes and celebrating them will normalise the process and stop your inner critic from getting in the way.
(b) Internalise your Successes – Really believe in your successes and don’t focus on the parts of the process that didn’t go according to plan. This way you’re able to internalise praise and positive feedback to measure your progress and get a fuller picture of that success.
(c) Have a Success Bank - Keep track of all your achievements to date no matter how small – the little wins pave the way for the bigger ones. Accept praise without qualifying it first.
(d) Don’t wait for Inspiration to do Something - The trick is to get started, even doing 5 minutes of your task will fire you up enough to keep going at it. And as Marie Forleo says ‘Done is better than perfect’ - it may not be perfect, but it’s a start.
5. Connect with your Future Self
Have clarity on why you’re doing what you’re doing, how will your Future Self benefit from this process – what transformations or learnings are in it for her? Set your goals in motion and remind yourself of what you’ll gain from the goal when the going gets tough. Your future self depends on it.
6. The lion eats first – Self-care
Remember the lion eats first, and you are the lion in your life, you need to be taking care of you first and foremost and that means doing ALL the self-care all the time! The possibilities are endless for taking care of yourself, so step away from your work and take some time for yourself.
7. Focus on your Ideal Paying Client
Really focus in on what problem you solve for your client. You need to meet them where they’re at right now to help them solve their biggest pain point. How can you talk to your ideal paying client in such a way that they’ll want to work with you? How can you show them through your messaging and story that you or your products and services are the solution they seek? Connecting with your clients’ problems and how you can provide the solution will remind you exactly why you’re in business in the first place.
Welcome to having your mojo back!!
If you need any help getting your Business Mojo back you can email me at or book a free Clarity Call - I look forward to hearing from you.